Bibliothèque de ressources

La bibliothèque de ressources est un centre de connaissances virtuel contenant une variété de documents classés par thème et étiquetés par pays et autres informations utiles. Chaque élément de la bibliothèque peut être consulté et téléchargé par les utilisateurs.
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Guidelines for Labour Recruiters on Ethical Recruitment, Decent Work and Access to Remedy for Migrant Domestic Workers

This publication is to inform labour recruiters on best practices for promoting, facilitating and ensuring the ethical recruitment of migrant domestic workers. The guidelines are derived from the…

IRIS Ethical Recruitment

IRIS: Ethical Recruitment is IOM's flagship initiative to promote ethical recruitment of migrant workers. It has been created by IOM and a coalition of partners from government, civil society and t…

REPORT | Crying Out for Justice: Wage Theft Against Migrant Workers during COVID-19 Volume 3

Migrant Forum in Asia releases the 3rd volume of its analysis report series, “Crying Out for Justice: Wage Theft Against Migrant Workers during COVID-19” This report is an analysis of the cases doc…

ITUC Economic Briefing: Ensuring Migrants’ Access to Social Protection

Social protection is a universal human right, providing people with security against poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion. It is moreover a catalyst for inclusive economic growth.


Garantir un recrutement équitable pour favoriser le travail décent. Mini-guide destiné aux syndicats

Afin de garantir un recrutement équitable, ce mini-guide invite les syndicats à participer activement au dialogue social et aux discussions tripartites sur le processus de recrutement, y compris le…