Bibliothèque de ressources

La bibliothèque de ressources est un centre de connaissances virtuel contenant une variété de documents classés par thème et étiquetés par pays et autres informations utiles. Chaque élément de la bibliothèque peut être consulté et téléchargé par les utilisateurs.
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Complaint mechanisms for Vietnamese migrant workers: An overview of law and practice

This report presents the results of a study initiated under the ILO GMS TRIANGLE project which considered both the laws governing migrant worker complaints and the practical experiences of mi…

Media-friendly glossary on migration: Women migrant workers and ending violence against women (EVAW) edition

This glossary serves as a guide for journalists, researchers, practitioners and others who conduct trainings or write about women’s labour migration and violence against women.

Migrant Narratives

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) have joined forces to launch the Migrant Narratives project, a new digital platform which provides e…

Media-friendly glossary on migration

The use of the right terminology is key for quality reporting, to avoid stigmatization and positively influence the debate on migration.

Where to go for help: Pakistani migrant workers’ access to justice at home and in Gulf Cooperation Council countries

This report examines the legal framework and complaints mechanisms available for Pakistani migrant workers at home and in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. It identified bottlenecks in the…