This joint report by the ILO and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) explores innovative state-facilitated digital technology platforms from four different contexts, with a focus on…
This research report shows that digital technology can play a significant role in making safe labour migration and fair recruitment a reality. It also gives valuable recommendations for how to make…
Herramienta para la defensa y promoción de los derechos laborales así como de las obligaciones que se contraen en un relación laboral.
El Proyecto REFRAME acordó una estrategia de trabajo c…
This report, based on a survey of over 450 migrant domestic workers, examines the implementation of the Hong Kong government’s Code of Practice for Employment Agencies (CoP), and its impact on the…
Cette note de synthèse met en lumière l’action des syndicats en matière de promotion et de protection du recrutement équitable des travailleurs migrants par l’entremise de la défense de politiques…
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