Every year, millions of workers and employers rely on the services of public and private recruitment agencies to match job seekers with jobs.
The meeting is aimed to allow unions to share and learn from experiences and updates as well as to build space for the mutual cooperation between trade unions and respond to the increasing need for protection of the rights of the migrant wo
Este seminario web reúne a representantes y funcionarios de los Servicios Públicos de Empleo de diversos contextos nacionales de política y mercado laboral para debatir sobre sus prácticas, retos y logros a la hora de garantizar unos servicios de calidad acordes con las normas internacionales y los princip
The event occurred in person at the Museum of Memory and Tolerance in Mexico City.
Watch back the launch of the study here.
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Hora : CST - Central Standard Time (North America) GMT−6:00
Dónde : Online/In-person
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