Tracking recruitment costs: scaling up efforts to measure SDG 10.7.1 to monitor SDG and GCM progress Completado

Reliable, comparable data on recruitment costs are essential to inform effective policy mak

Cuándo :

Hora : AST - Atlantic Standard Time GMT-04:00

Dónde : Online

ILO Fair Recruitment Initiative and Alliance 8.7: Accelerating progress towards meeting SDG target 8.7. through fair recruitment promotion. Completado

Recruitment is usually the first act in establishing an employment relationship, and the experiences of the worker during the recruitment stage can establish their working conditions and migration outcomes. Many elements that make workers vulnerable to exploitation occur in the recruitment phase.

Cuándo :

Hora : CET - Central European Time GMT+1:00

Dónde : Webinar (closed, by invitation only)

Technical tripartite webinar for the ratification campaign of ILO Conventions on Employment Service, and Private Employment Agencies Completado

The ILO is organizing the first Technical tripartite webinar for the ratification campaign of the Employment Service Convention, 1948, (No.88 ) and the Private Employment Agencies Convention, 1997,

Cuándo :

Hora : CET - Central European Time GMT+1:00

Dónde : Online

Guatemala: Avances y resultados en la implementación de políticas de migración laboral ordenada, segura y regular Completado

La movilidad temporal de personas trabajadoras guatemaltecas hacia países de Norteamérica: Canadá, Estados Unidos y México, así como otros destinos, se ha presentado como una alternativa para obtener mejores ingresos económicos y con ello obtener los recursos individuales y familiares

Cuándo :

Hora : CST - Central Standard Time (North America) GMT−6:00

Dónde : Evento híbrido