Ensuring gender equality in recruitment

Discover a repository of resources at the intersection of gender and recruitment, within and across international borders, such as policy and research briefs, regional and country reports, latest data, upcoming events and news on the topic.



Integrating a gender lens in recruitment processes within and across national borders is crucial to ensuring decent work and fair migration outcomes for all. Women comprise 41.5% of the world’s more than 169 million migrant workers, bringing important contribution to countries of origin and destination alike. At the same time, the experience of women and men can be quite different at various stages of migration in terms of personal characteristics, migration channels and modalities, possible risks and vulnerabilities, among others. Unequal power relationships between gender groups, discriminatory beliefs and behaviours in most societies shape different migration experiences, influencing who migrates and why, how the decision is made and how migration impacts on migrants themselves and on societies of origin and destination. 

At the same time, migration influences gender relations either by entrenching inequalities and traditional roles or challenging and changing them. Understanding and addressing gendered causes and consequences of discriminatory treatment at the recruitment stage is therefore essential to ensure that fair recruitment leads to decent work for all.  

The Fair Recruitment Knowledge Hub gathers relevant resources and offers a space to bring together communities of practice to better understand gender specific needs, challenges and promising practices regarding fair recruitment. Discover and explore on the platform the knowledge products developed by the ILO and its partners, including ITUC, IOE, as well as other organisations including IOM and UN Women. The Hub aims to provide a repository of resources at the intersection of gender and recruitment, within and across international borders, such as policy and research briefs, regional and country reports, latest data, upcoming events and news on the topic.



The objectives of the gender equality thematic focus of the Fair Recruitment Knowledge Hub are to share knowledge on the gender dimension, impact and characteristics of recruitment process, inform and advocate on the importance of ensuring gender equality within recruitment practices, better understand current challenges in this area and share existing materials, tools, experiences and emerging practices to address recruitment challenges from a gender perspective. Resources, events and news are hosted on the Hub to encourage relevant stakeholders to push for fair and inclusive recruitment policies for all.


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