Biblioteca de recursos

La biblioteca de recursos es un centro de conocimiento virtual que contiene una variedad de documentos clasificados por enfoque temático y etiquetados por países y otra información útil. Cada elemento de la biblioteca puede ser visto y descargado por los usuarios.
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Access to Justice for migrant workers in Southeast Asia

This report analyses access to justice for migrant workers in South-East Asia and provides recommendations for improving complaint mechanisms for labour rights abuses.

Ensuring migrant workers access to justice: An assessment of Thailand’s Migrant Workers Assistance Centers

To increase migrant workers’ access to justice in Thailand, in 2016 the Ministry of Labour established Migrant Workers Assistance Centers in ten provinces throughout the country. By April 201...

Assessment of the complaints mechanism for Cambodian migrant workers

This report is the first assessment of the efficacy of the complaints mechanism available to migrant workers, and explores the complexities facing workers and authorities when a complaint is...

Why Labour Law Protections for Migrant Workers are at the Heart of the Dhaka Principles for Migration with Dignity - Reflections from the ILO

Throughout 2022, IHRB is marking ten years of the Dhaka Principles for Migration with Dignity with guest commentaries ...

Responsible Recruitment Gateway

The Responsible Recruitment Gateway is home to the Employer Pays Principle increasingly being adopted b...