Biblioteca de recursos

La biblioteca de recursos es un centro de conocimiento virtual que contiene una variedad de documentos clasificados por enfoque temático y etiquetados por países y otra información útil. Cada elemento de la biblioteca puede ser visto y descargado por los usuarios.
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Guideline on Dispute Resolution of Migrant Worker Grievances

The Guideline is a reference for labour officials, Migrant Worker Resource Centre (MRC) staff, service providers, and stakeholders to use to support migrant workers through the dispute resolu...

Country of origin complaints mechanisms for overseas migrants from Myanmar

This Briefing Paper is the first in a series of Briefing papers providing technical input on particular migration issues being produced by the ILO Yangon supported by Livelihoods and Food Sec...

Regulating recruitment of migrant workers: An assessment of complaint mechanisms in Thailand

This report provides the findings of an analysis of the legal framework and the complaint mechanisms for workers with grievances to seek redress - and puts forward recommendations for strengt...