Innovating for fair recruitment: harnessing the potential of digitalization

Digital applications, virtual gaming, behavioral insights, AI powered chat-bots… all of these are innovative approaches that stakeholders can leverage to improve recruitment processes and promote fair practices, facilitate safe and regular migration, and prevent risks of forced labour and other abus...


À propos

Digital technology could be a game changer in promoting fair recruitment, preventing labour abuses, and ensuring safe and regular migration. The number of internet users around the globe continues to climb and the development of information and communications technologies (ICT) has been unprecedented since the onset of COVID-19. This has resulted in new digital products such as apps, websites and web portals, internet radio, and electronic tickets, including those aimed at workers at risk of exploitation. The knowledge hub convenes recruitment actors to discuss lessons learnt about promising innovative pilots that leverage digital technologies and unpack what challenges and opportunities that different tools and innovations can present.


How can digital ICT facilitate fair recruitment and safe labour migration and prevent labour abuses? This thematic area facilitates the exchange of ideas and experiences amongst members and showcases innovative research, approaches and past and ongoing pilots used in recruitment contexts, to stimulate discussions on the potential for replicability and scale. Members will learn about innovative initiatives around digital technology, hear from “innovators”, and present their own ideas and get feedback on their potential solutions.

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