Promoting Labour Inspection’s role on recruitment

Labour inspectorates can play a critical monitoring and enforcement role on fair recruitment. Tools, guidance and peer to peer exchange and support are needed to enhance their capacities to address recruitment related challenges.



Under this Knowledge Hub thematic area members will explore challenges and opportunities faced by labour inspectorates and other enforcement authorities in effectively monitoring and enforcing recruitment related regulations. The knowledge hub will include recent research, technical briefs and a collection of case studies on the role of Labour inspection on monitoring recruitment practices form different geographic contexts. It will create opportunities for peer to peer exchanges and discussions. 


Members will learn, discuss, and follow up on the conclusions and recommendations of recent technical consultations among Labour inspectorates, relevant policy briefs and documentation of promising practices in this area. Experts, in particular labour inspectorates, will be able to engage with peers on dialogue and mutual learning opportunities. They will access relevant resources, jointly identify common challenges, regulatory and capacity gaps and needs, and possible emerging solution. They will be able to contribute, though online consultations, to the development of relevant guidance, tools, and materials in line with International labour standards and existing promising practices. Technical workshops, discussion fora, online surveys and peer to peer exchanges will be made accessible to members both on a restricted access and publicly available format.

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Peer to peer knowledge sharing webinar on fair recruitment and labour inspection




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Peer-to-peer knowledge sharing webinar on fair recruitment and labour inspection



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Exchange among labour inspectors 8 2 years 9 months ago
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