This report aims to contribute to an informed and balanced discussion of migration and labour issues. It examines the role of the ILO and its constituents in achieving fair and effective governance of labour migration that benefits societies of origin and destination, protects the rights of migrant workers and their families, and enhances social cohesion.
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The 2017 edition of the World of Work magazine highlights themes discussed by the ILO’s 106th International Labour Conference (ILC), including labour migration and fair recruitment.
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Promoting fair recruitment is a critical priority in the context of both international and internal migration. As discussed in PART 1, a key finding of recent ILO research is that recruitment abuses – and in particular the payment of illegal recruitment fees and related costs – are one of the main ways in which forced labour and human trafficking enters supply chains.
The adoption of laws and regulations to help ensure that workers and jobseekers are not charged recruitment or related costs, or subjected to other recruitment-related abuses – addressed in the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and international legal standards – is therefore critical to broader efforts against forced labour and human trafficking.
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Migrant workers make an important contribution to the growth and development of rural areas, and more particularly the agriculture sector. However, they face pervasive decent work deficits, which include informality; a lack of opportunities for skills development and recognition, income security, social protection coverage and portability of benefits; and exposure to work-related accidents. Furthermore, they are vulnerable to forced and child labour, human trafficking and unethical recruitment, and – especially in the case of migrant women workers – experience discriminatory treatment.
The ILO endeavours to forge policies to maximize the benefits of labour migration for rural economies around the world, while ensuring the good governance of labour migration and the respect of human and labour rights.
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Este plan de acción identifica elementos para contribuir a la institucionalización y coordinación de intervenciones sobre migración laboral y contratación equitativa desde un enfoque coordinado entre las distintas unidades de la PDH y desde el liderazgo de la Defensoría de Personas Migrantes.
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A global study that examines the laws and policies of 90 countries, as well as numerous bilateral labour agreements and multi-stakeholder initiatives to identify the efforts Member States have made to regulate or prohibit recruitment fees and costs charged to workers. The global study supported the ILO’s adoption of the Definition of Recruitment Fees and Related Costs, which is to be read in conjunction with the ILO’s General Principles and Operational Guidelines on Fair Recruitment.
This Global Comparative Study on Recruitment Fees and Related Costs was prepared ahead of the Tripartite Meeting of Experts on Recruitment Fees and Related Costs, which took place in Geneva from 14 to 16 November 2018. It brings together the findings from five regional reports that examined 90 national government responses, 18 bilateral agreements and 12 multistakeholder initiatives. The analysis of findings provides a clearer picture of how Member States have addressed the issue of recruitment fees and related costs at the policy level. Overall, the report advances ILO’s work on promoting Fair Recruitment, in particular to reduce recruitment fees and related costs paid by workers.
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This list presents a series of promising fair recruitment practices and results from a stocktaking exercise undertaken five years after the launch of the Fair Recruitment Initiative (FRI).
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In cooperation with ITC-ILO, the REFRAME project has produced a comprehensive modular training manual on fair recruitment to support its constituents to design, support and implement fair recruitment practices.
This training course is available as an interactive version (online) and as individual downloadable modules (PDF). It contains five modules covering different aspects of fair recruitment. This training manual is available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.
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Bilateral labour migration agreements if based on international labour standards can be a key tool in labour migration governance which ensures safe, orderly and regular labour migration.
To support the development of such agreements, this guidance was produced by a multi-stakeholder thematic working group under the United Nations Network on Migration, co-chaired by ILO with IOM.
It contains practical guidance grounded in international labour and human rights standards and drawing from real examples around the world. It shows how social dialogue benefits the development, implementation and monitoring of these agreements, and can be used as a basis for training and preparing for negotiation of bilateral labour migration agreements.
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This guide is intended to provide practical and succinct guidance on the process to be undertaken by ILO constituents governments, workers’ organizations, employers’ organizations, in consultation with civil society organizations and other relevant partners, during the course of developing or revising a national labour migration strategy, policy and/or action plan.
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