Fair’s Fair is an awareness and education programme to support the commercially sustainable procurement of agency labour so that workers never pay the price of poor purchasing practice.
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This guide, effective from April 2022, should be used to support calculation of sustainable charge rates by labour providers which include all of the statutory costs of employment required in the UK.
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Impactt has developed the guidance based on its in-depth field experience implementing repayment programmes. Impactt has worked with partners to facilitate repayment of over US$111 million in recruitment costs to over 86,000 migrant workers employed by 210 companies around the globe, acting both for employers and for other supply chain actors. The guidelines have also benefited from consultation with over 150 expert stakeholders from international bodies, governmental organisations, international trade unions, multi-stakeholder initiatives, investors, CSOs, consultancies, lawyers, activists, campaigners, employers, former migrant workers and multi-national companies.
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This document sets out recommended Standards developed by Impactt for repayment of migrant worker-paid recruitment Fees and Costs.
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Posted at January 10th 2017 12:00 AM | Updated as of January 10th 2017 12:00 AM
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The Responsible Recruitment Gateway is home to the Employer Pays Principle increasingly being adopted by companies across sectors and around the world.
The Gateway hosts a growing resource bank to help companies move towards an ethical recruitment.
It is also a platform for the Leadership Group for Responsible Recruitment, convened by IHRB. All members of the Leadership Group are publicly committed to the Employer Pays Principle and its implementation throughout their supply chains. The Leadership Group's aim is bold - the total eradication of fees being charged to migrant workers to secure employment
The Leadership Group acts as a vehicle for advocacy and collaboration, and serves as a knowledge hub for sharing good practice, tools, and guidance in relation to responsible recruitment. To achieve its vision of a world where no worker pays fees to secure employment, the Leadership Group seeks to catalyse leadership among an expanding membership base of companies committed to responsible recruitment.
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This report focuses on the sixth step concerning remediation. Some companies have sought to reimburse worker-paid recruitment fees. This is an important step and consistent with the UNGPs which calls on companies to provide for or cooperate in remediation when they have caused or contributed to adverse human rights impacts. However, businesses face serious challenges in repaying affected migrant workers. This report identifies the challenges related to reimbursing recruitment fees and provides recommendations to businesses on how to apply remediation policies across their activities.
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This map displays a global database of national laws, policies and regulations (policies) that have defined recruitment fees and related costs.
The data collection was undertaken in 2018 in preparation for a global study to support the Tripartite Meeting of Experts to Define Recruitment Fees and Costs . This meeting led to the adoption of the ILO definition of recruitment fees and related costs, to be read in conjunction with the ILO General Principles and Operational Guidelines for Fair Recruitment .
The global study scoped the national laws and policies applied to public and private employment agencies and focused on formal channels of recruitment. Overall, the database contains policies of 90 countries that took a position or definition on the regulation or prohibition of recruitment fees and related costs. The two colours of the map indicate whether the policy regulates or prohibits the charging of recruitment fees and/or related costs to the worker. Clicking on a country will display (below the map) information about whether the policy applies to national recruitment, international recruitment of workers, and provide links to the policy.
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