Conducting Labour Inspections on Construction - A guide for labour inspectors

The objective of this guide is to assist labour inspectors fulfil their inspectorial function by providing information, in a user friendly format on, a suggested methodology for conducting inspections of construction activities; from planning to reporting on the inspection, as well as providing technical information which labour inspectors can supply to employers and workers, so as to ensure “Decent Work”.

The construction sector plays an essential role in the socio-economic development of many countries, not least through the number of workers engaged in construction activities. However the employment relationship, the legal link between employers and workers, in construction activities is often unclear and this regularly results with workers not having access to certain rights and benefits, combined with this, workers are often exposed to many hazards. These factors mean that working conditions on many construction sites cannot be considered as “Decent work”, workers do not have a fair, just, safe and healthy working environment.

Inspections conducted by labour inspectors have an important role in ensuring compliance with legislation and thus decent working conditions for workers in all sectors, including construction. The guide details many of the working conditions that labour inspectors will address, namely, the employment relationship, representation rights, salaries and wages, working hours and holidays, employment of young person’s and foreign nationals as well as the hazards that workers can be exposed to. Internationally recognised safety measures are documented that, if followed, will reduce the likelihood of workers suffering from accidents and diseases.

Type of document : Report

Country/Region : Global

Year of publication : 2017