Resource Library

The resource library is a virtual knowledge hub containing a variety of documents which have been classified by thematic focus and tagged by countries and other helpful information. Each item in the library can be viewed and downloaded by the users.
Type of document
Year of publication

La migración laboral en la agenda de trabajo decente de la OIT: Buenas prácticas y lecciones aprendidas en Chile

El presente documento se elabora con el objetivo de sistematizar el trabajo de la OIT con sus contrapartes y compartir las buenas prácticas y lecciones aprendidas en el proceso de…

Eliminating forced labour: Handbook for parliamentarians No. 30

Effective legislation and regulations on recruitment processes, for both national and migrant workers, help to curtail forced labour and trafficking. Beyond adopting or amending legislation on recr…

Ending child labour, forced labour and human trafficking in global supply chains

Promoting fair recruitment is a critical priority in the context of both international and internal migration. As discussed in PART 1, a key finding of recent ILO research is that recruitment abuse…

Promoting fair and effective labour migration policies in agriculture and rural areas

Migrant workers make an important contribution to the growth and development of rural areas, and more particularly the agriculture sector. However, they face pervasive decent work deficits, which i…

Manual informativo: desafíos y oportunidades en la contratación de personas migrantes en México

La migración internacional es un elemento fundamental en los procesos de desarrollo. El corredor migratorio de América Central y México es uno de los más importa…