Assessing Union Capacity to Empower Migrant Workers' Rights

Posted at June 18th 2024 12:00 AM | Updated as of June 18th 2024 12:00 AM


From Knowledge to Action: Equipping Unions to Empower Migrant Workers

Co-organized by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Trades Union Congress (TUC) Ghana, the workshop was part of the ILO Integrated Programme on Fair Recruitment phase III (FAIR III). Its mission: to bolster the capacity of Ghanaian unions in supporting and advocating for migrant workers, who are often the backbone of economies yet frequently vulnerable to exploitation.

Twenty-one representatives from TUC Ghana and its affiliates gathered to exchange knowledge, strategies, and aspirations alongside esteemed resource persons from the ILO, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Nigeria Labour Congress, and the Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU) Kenya. Together, they delved into the principles of fair recruitment, shared best practices, and explored innovative tools designed to protect migrant workers.

In her stirring opening remarks, Inviolata Chinyangarara, representing Dr. Vanessa Phala of the ILO, underscored the critical role of migrant workers in global economies and reaffirmed the ILO's commitment to ensuring their rights and dignity. The speeches and presentations that followed—from Kamil Abubakari on fair recruitment practices to insights from Ira Rachmawati and Teresa Wabuko on technological solutions—fueled a collective determination to effect real change.

One of the workshop's highlights was the SWOT analysis conducted by participants, which identified organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This exercise not only informed tailored training needs but also galvanized union leaders to strategize more effectively in advocating for migrant workers.

Christopher Abokah, one of the beneficiaries, remarked, "The workshop was invaluable, equipping us with expert insights that we can apply directly within our unions." Hariet Botchway echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the spirit of collaboration and shared purpose that emerged from the event.

Comrade King James Azortibah, General Secretary of TEWU, expressed deep gratitude for the support and guidance received, affirming TUC Ghana's unwavering commitment to championing the rights of migrant workers in collaboration with the ILO and other stakeholders.

As the workshop concluded against the backdrop of a setting sun over Akosombo, it marked not just an event but a significant stride towards a fairer, more just world for all workers. Armed with newfound knowledge and solidarity, participants departed with a shared vision: one where migrant workers are empowered, protected, and celebrated for their indispensable contributions to society.

The FAIR III Ghana component is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC), with a commitment to shape a brighter future, where every worker can thrive with dignity.