An Exploratory Study on Labour Recruitment and Migrant Worker Protection Mechanisms in West Africa: The Case of Côte d'Ivoire, the Gambia, Ghana, Nigeria and Senegal

The topics of ethical recruitment, defined as the recruitment of workers in a lawful, fair and transparent manner that respects their dignity and human rights, and labour migration, defined as the movement of persons from one State to another, or within their own country of residence, for the purpose of employment, go hand in hand. While labour migration can serve as a significant opportunity, it can also constitute a risk for those who partake in it. A risk may present itself if labour migration is undertaken as an end result of unethical recruitment practices, which may include practices that are non-transparent and fail to respect the dignity as well as human rights of workers. In such circumstances, workers may be at risk of exploitation during both the recruitment process and employment. Consistent adherence to ethical recruitment practices by all parties implicated in the recruitment process (including private recruitment agencies, employers and jobseekers) therefore significantly contributes to the reduction of these risks.

In West Africa, this correlation is particularly relevant as young West African migrants attracted by false promises of employment, high wages and decent working and living conditions are increasingly subjected to exploitative recruitment processes. Through this study, IOM seeks to shed light on this situation by assessing current recruitment practices and migrant worker protection mechanisms in place in the following case study countries: Côte d’Ivoire, the Gambia, Ghana, Nigeria and Senegal. This study explores and critically examines the existing evidence base on key aspects of the topic to inform potential policy and programmatic responses designed to enhance labour migration impacts for current and potential migrant workers located in as well as originating from West Africa. This publication entails both a desk-based review of the current published evidence base as well as insights derived from interviews with national stakeholders from the five case study countries.

This research publication was made possible through support provided by the Migration Resource Allocation Committee (MIRAC).


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Looking at Labour Mobility Initiatives From the Private Sector Perspective: Key Lessons Learned.

The present report presents a summary of the views expressed by companies from the private sector established in the four EU Member States participating to the MATCH project which seeks to address workforce challenges by enabling young professionals from Nigeria and Senegal to work for companies in Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg or the Netherlands. The perspectives of the private sector were gathered through on-line awareness raising sessions and dedicated workshops aiming at highlighting the benefits of legal pathways for migration and skills partnerships with Africa. Careful listening and dialogue with companies allowed the project partners to better understand the concerns and motivations of companies in joining a project such as the MATCH project. Together with surveys and data collection, exchanges with companies are also deemed to be essential to follow closely the evolution of the labour market and stay agile to unexpected developments.

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