Resource Library

The resource library is a virtual knowledge hub containing a variety of documents which have been classified by thematic focus and tagged by countries and other helpful information. Each item in the library can be viewed and downloaded by the users.
Type of document
Year of publication

Conducting Labour Inspections on Construction - A guide for labour inspectors

The objective of this guide is to assist labour inspectors fulfil their inspectorial function by providing information, in a user friendly format on, a suggested methodology for conducting inspecti…

Recruitment Monitoring & Migrant Welfare Assistance: What Works?

As numbers of temporary labour migrants have rapidly increased over the past four decades, facilitating international migration has become a highly profitable and multi-faceted business. Human righ…

Locked down and in limbo: The global impact of COVID-19 on migrant worker rights and recruitment

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on migrant workers and their access to decent work. Beyond the immediate public health crisis, response measures including lockdowns and border cl…

Global labour recruitment in a supply chain context

This working paper discusses regulatory models and other measures available to stop abusive recruitment practices. It seeks to explain why the labour recruitment market operates as it does, a…

Global database: Definition of fees and related costs in national laws and policies

This map  displays a global database of national laws, policies and regulations (policies) that have defined recruitment fees and related costs.

The data collection was unde…