Resource Library

The resource library is a virtual knowledge hub containing a variety of documents which have been classified by thematic focus and tagged by countries and other helpful information. Each item in the library can be viewed and downloaded by the users.
Type of document
Year of publication

COPARMEX & Sugar Industry Chamber; Social Compliance Self-Evaluation Guide

Comprende todos los procesos de contratación y colocación de trabajadores, en el mercado laboral nacional e internacional, cuando en ellos se respetan los derechos humanos y laborales de las person…

Guía de autodiagnóstico empresarial

El objetivo de este documento es servir como una herramienta de apoyo para las empresas en Guatemala que buscan cumplir con las leyes laborales nacionales e incluso buscan mejorar sus prácticas lab…

Global Study on Recruitment Fees and Related Costs

A global study that examines the laws and policies of 90 countries, as well as numerous bilateral labour agreements and multi-stakeholder initiatives to identify the efforts Member States hav…

Ensuring Fair recruitment, what the ILO has achieved, an infostory

A recruitment process is only fair when carried out within the law and in line with the International Labour Standards, but most importantly when it respects human rights.

Building on ILO’s…