Regional study on defining recruitment fees and related costs: The Americas

This regional, comparative study aims to summarize the situation in the Americas, by identifying regional and national policies and legislation on defining recruitment fees and related costs and regulation of Public Employment Services (PES) and Private Employment Agencies (PEAs). The study also aims to present and discuss the most relevant issues that different stakeholders identified as challenges in agreeing upon a global definition of recruitment fees and related costs.

This Americans regional study was developed as part of a global comparative study on the definition of recruitment fees and related costs, which was prepared in 2018 to support discussion at a Tripartite Meeting of Experts on Defining Recruitment Fees and Costs, held in November 2018. The definition was approved by the ILO Governing Body in March 2019. The definition is to be read alongside the General Principles and Operational Guidelines for Fair Recruitment.

Type of document : Report

Country/Region : Americas

Year of publication : 2020