GALAB Project Collaborates with Ghana Trade Union Congress to Combat Child and Forced Labour

Posted at August 8th 2024 12:00 AM | Updated as of August 8th 2024 12:00 AM


The Global Accelerator Lab (GALAB) Ghana project of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and funded by USDOL is actively working with the Ghana Trade Union Congress (TUC) to combat child and forced labour in the country. As outlined in the TUC's 12th Quadrennial Report, the GALAB project held a workshop in Akosombo earlier this year for workers to assess its effectiveness and develop a plan for future activities.

The meeting in Akosombo was a follow-up to a Comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation Plan(CMEP) workshop that brought together representatives from government agencies, employer organizations, worker organizations,businesses, research institutions, and civil society organizations to discuss strategies for eliminating child and forced labour. Participants agreed on the importance of aligning efforts to avoid duplication and ensure maximum impact.

The GALAB project is particularly focused on supporting trade unions in raising awareness of ILO programs and projects. By collaborating with the TUC, the project aims to strengthen the capacity of trade unions to advocate for the rights of workers and combat child and forced labour.

The GALAB project's focus on supporting trade unions is crucial for ensuring that workers' rights in the informal sector are protected and that vulnerable populations are adequately represented. The workshop held in Akosombo highlighted the need for a coordinated approach to combat child and forced labour.Participants agreed on the importance of aligning activities and avoiding duplication to maximize impact. The GALAB project is committed to facilitating such collaboration and providing the necessary support.