The purpose of this ethnographic study is to shed light on how women view their migration and work abroad. The findings challenge conventional narratives on labour migration of women and bring out...
The Lessons Learned outlined in this paper draw attention to reflections and good practices from the experiences of building of migrant women’s groups and networks in both countries of orig...
This handout compendium is meant to be used with the training manual "Organizing women migrant workers: Manual for trade unionists in ASEAN".
This handout compendium is a part of the traini...
This training manual was produced in collaboration between ILO Bureau for Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV) and Safe and Fair: Realizing women migrant workers’ rights and opportunities in the ASEAN regi...
Análisis de los mecanismos utilizados por las Direcciones de Inspección del Trabajo para cumplir con sus funciones de supervisión, asesoría, prevención de conflictos y fiscalización de las condicio...
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