ITC-ILO training: Monitoring and enforcement of recruitment regulations - Establishing Fair Recruitment Processes

By the end of this module, participants will be able to:

  • Understand governments’ responsibilities in regards to the monitoring and enforcement of recruitment regulations
  • Have an introductory knowledge of the use of monitoring as an enforcement mechanism and its contribution to ensuring the fair recruitment of workers
  • Recognize the key challenges associated with complaints mechanisms and access to justice for workers, including migrant workers
  • Explore the most commonly used legislative mechanisms for prosecuting recruitment abuses
  • Appreciate the particular role of trade unions and non-governmental organizations in promoting and monitoring fair recruitment
  • Become familiar with pilot initiatives of workers’ organizations to protect and empower workers during the recruitment and placement process
  • Become acquainted with self-regulation mechanisms adopted by private recruitment agencies

Tipo de documento : Training Material

Región/País : : Global

Año de publicación : 2021