Bibliothèque de ressources

La bibliothèque de ressources est un centre de connaissances virtuel contenant une variété de documents classés par thème et étiquetés par pays et autres informations utiles. Chaque élément de la bibliothèque peut être consulté et téléchargé par les utilisateurs.
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2019 Recruitment Costs Pilot Survey Report-Ghana, Measuring SDG Indicator (10.7.1)

This report presents the survey results and examines the recruitment costs, monthly earnings, and Recruitment Cost Indicator (RCI) of migrant workers taking into acc…

Measuring sustainable development goal indicator 10.7.1 on recruitment costs of Vietnamese workers overseas: Results of the Labour Force Survey 2021

This report "Measuring sustainable development goal indicator 10.7.1 on recruitment costs of Vietnamese workers overseas: Results of the Labour Force Survey 2021" was developed using data from the…

Achieving fair and ethical recruitment: Improving regulation and enforcement in the ASEAN region

This report focuses on the efforts of ASEAN Member States to foster fair and ethical recruitment. It maps the laws and regulations, and moreover, the enforcement mechanisms States have empl…

Visual tool on the ILO definition of recruitment fees and costs

The definition of recruitment fees and related costs, adopted by a Tripartite Meeting of Experts, held in Geneva in November 2018. The definition recognizes the principle that workers shall not be…

Comment la technologie numérique peut protéger les travailleurs migrants contre le travail forcé et l’exploitation

La technologie numérique pourrait changer la donne en matière de protection des travailleurs migrants. Mais par où commencer ? Quels sont les produits numériques déjà disponibles ? Comment s’assure…