Biblioteca de recursos

La biblioteca de recursos es un centro de conocimiento virtual que contiene una variedad de documentos clasificados por enfoque temático y etiquetados por países y otra información útil. Cada elemento de la biblioteca puede ser visto y descargado por los usuarios.
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Mujeres migrantes centroamericanas en México: Informalidad en la contratación y el empleo

La presente nota resume la situación actual de las prácticas de contratación de las mujeres migrantes centroamericanas y se circunscribe a cuatro secto...

Ways forward in recruitment of 'low-skilled' migrant workers in the Asia-Arab states corridor

This White Paper serves to further stimulate policy dialogue for fair migration in the countries of origin and destination in Asia the Arab States corridor.

Review of law, policy and practice of recruitment of migrant workers in Sri Lanka

This review provides an overview of legislative and policy frameworks concerning recruitment of migrant workers in Sri Lanka. The review identifies gaps in relation to the ILO General Princip...

The role of ASEAN labour attachés in the protection of migrant workers

The appointment of labour attachés or consular officials to major countries of destination is one important measure for migrant sending countries to enhance the protection of their migrant wo...

Protecting migrant workers from exploitation in the EU: workers’ perspectives’, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

This report is the EU Fundamental Rights Agency’s fourth on the topic of severe labour exploitation. Based on interviews with 237 exploited workers, it paints a bleak picture of severe exploitation...