Peer to peer knowledge sharing webinar on fair recruitment and labour inspection

Labour inspection forms a critical component of labour administration systems – ensuring effective monitoring and enforcement of labour legislation and policy, allowing for the detection of abusive practices and processing of complaints and application of sanctions.

  • 24th May 2022

  • Time : 4:00pm - 5:30pm CET - Central European Time GMT+1:00

  • Region/Country : Global


Labour inspection responsibilities extend to all stages of the recruitment process. The ILO General Principle for Fair Recruitment 5 states that “Regulation of employment and recruitment activities should be clear and transparent and effectively enforced. The role of the labour inspectorate and the use of standardized registration, licensing or certification systems should be highlighted.” Furthermore, Operational Guideline 5.1 outlining the responsibilities of governments indicates that: "Governments should work to ensure that there is an effective and sufficiently resourced labour inspectorate, and that it is empowered and trained to investigate and intervene at all stages of the recruitment process for all workers and all enterprises, and to monitor and evaluate the operations of all labour recruiters.” However, inspection of recruitment processes remains challenging – leaving many vulnerable workers (including migrant workers and those in the informal economy), exposed to exploitation and abuse.

In order to further expand knowledge and advocacy on the role of the labour inspectorate in ensuring fair recruitment. With the contribution of several projects (EU-REFRAME, SDC-FAIR II and SIDA-JLMP), the ILO commissioned a brief on fair recruitment and labour inspection.

Collaborating together, the ILO Labour Migration branch and the Labour Administration, Labour Inspection and Occupational Safety and Health branch have hosted in July 2021 a peer to peer, learning-oriented exchange webinar among labour inspectors and related relevant enforcement authorities to discuss labour inspection and fair recruitment.

This year, a follow up webinar is organized with the following objectives:

1. Promote peer to peer learning among labour inspectorates and relevant enforcement authorities with the aim promote the creating of a network of practitioners in this area;

2. Present the finalized version of the ILO technical brief on the role of labour inspection and fair recruitment;

3. Present and share highlights from documented case studies;

4. Deepen the understanding on capacity building needs among constituents, including gaps in knowledge that could be addressed through existing or possible new ILO tools and training programs;

5. Deepen and broaden the network of relevant experts on labour inspection and fair recruitment


Participants will be invited to share their views and experience in a peer-to-peer exchange format.